Friday, May 31, 2013

Favorite Photo Critique 4

Photo By: Jack and Finn Harries

Art Vocabulary and Craftsmanship
I like the shallow depth of field and the framing of the child’s face with the bars.
·       Color
·       Line
·       Shape
·       Texture
·       Form
·       Value
·      Space

The brightness of the yellow catches the viewer’s eye and the little bit of red you can see from his shirt brings the eye to the boy’s face. I like the texture of the bars with the chipping paint. The space between his left ear and the bar adds space as does his hand in between the camera and the wall.

This image has really nice balance with the framing of the boy’s face and the other boys next to him. The repeating shapes of the bars also add harmony. I wish that his hand wasn’t right in front of the bar.

·       Proportion
·       Variety
·       Balance
·       Contrast
·       Pattern/Repetition
·       Rhythm/Movement
·       Unity/Harmony
·      Emphasis
Conceptual Skill
I think they wanted to capture the joy this boy feels in school and the opportunity that he has to get an education. Jack and Finn were able to visit the Rainbow Centre in Sri Lanka, were this photo was taken. I think he wanted to show the contrast between these happy children and the sad children they had seen the day before who didn't have the opportunity to get and education.

I love this picture because of the emotions that are expressed on the boy’s face. I also love the short depth of field.

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