Monday, May 6, 2013

Dramatic Lighting Critique

(Copy this organizer to take notes)
Art Vocabulary and Craftsmanship
Describe the technique applied – also describe dodging and burning; depth of field, etc.
Short depth of field, I exposed for the light hitting the stature making everything around it darker. Her eyes are about a third of the way down.

·          Color
·          Line
·          Shape
·          Texture
·          Form
·          Value
·          Space
Analyze: specifically comment on any elements and principles used in your work.
The bright white of the statue is made brighter by the dark shadows around it. The smooth marble and the light make the fold in the clothes more pronounced. The wall behind her gives a sense of how tall the statue was. The ripples in her skirt show and the fact that is was a little out of focus give a sense of the movement of women into a more equal role in society.
·          Proportion
·          Variety
·          Balance
·          Contrast
·          Pattern/Repetition
·          Rhythm/Movement
·          Unity/Harmony
·          Emphasis
Conceptual Skill
Interpret: What is the photographer’s intent?  Does it convey an idea or message? Is there a mood?
This was the first female statue portrayed in the Capitol. I wanted to use the dim lighting in the room to capture the feeling of a woman emerging from the dark shadows of the pre-feminist movement era.


Judge: evaluate the success of this piece.

I think I was able to capture the brightness of the statue by underexposing. I wish it had been a little more in focus, but overall I think It was composed well and the lights and darks contrast well.

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