Friday, May 31, 2013

Favorite Photo Critique 3

                                                         Photo By: Tim Tadder

Art Vocabulary and Craftsmanship
The points of interest (the swimmers) are in the top half of the image. The lights are exposed so that they don’t take away from the swimmers.
·       Color
·       Line
·       Shape
·       Texture
·       Form
·       Value
·      Space

The red/orange color of the sunset draws the eye to the swimmers. I like how the water looks, clear in the front of the image, then progressively getting darker. The swimmers get smaller as they go back in line, creating a line to lead the eye through the image. I like how they all have their own space. I wish the last swimmer wasn’t intersecting with the fence behind him.

The picture is nicely contrasted. The different swim suits add variety as well as having the setting of the pool. The repeating pattern of the plus sign on the side of the pool adds harmony.

·       Proportion
·       Variety
·       Balance
·       Contrast
·       Pattern/Repetition
·       Rhythm/Movement
·       Unity/Harmony
·      Emphasis
Conceptual Skill
I like how the photographer was able to capture the different techniques of the swimmers entering the water and how he was able to get the water droplets coming off their bodies.

I really like the contrast in this image  and the micro composition  between the swimmers.

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