Friday, May 31, 2013

Favorite Photo Critique 6

Photo By: Mandy Carroll

Art Vocabulary and Craftsmanship
I love the short depth of field and the fact that she is looking up.
·       Color
·       Line
·       Shape
·       Texture
·       Form
·       Value
·      Space

I like the texture between Emmie’s hair and the grass behind her. The chair gives a sense of how small she is. The bright colors of her outfit pop against the brown of the wheat. The texture of her dress and the grass add form to the picture.

The red in Emmie’s leggings and bracelet emphasis the fact that she is the center of interest. The tops of the grass add harmony and repitition. 
·       Proportion
·       Variety
·       Balance
·       Contrast
·       Pattern/Repetition
·       Rhythm/Movement
·       Unity/Harmony
·      Emphasis
Conceptual Skill
Emmie is such a sweet girl and I think Mandy wanted to capture how much she giggles and laughs. By catching her looking away from the camera and laughing at something, she was able to share her laughter with the viewer.

I think this picture captures the spirit of Emmie and makes her shine in her own uniwue way.

Favorite Photo Critique 5

Photo By: Phillip Colla
Art Vocabulary and Craftsmanship
The photographer would have used a fast shutter speed in order to get the wave just before it collided with the sand. It has a fairly long depth of field.
·       Color
·       Line
·       Shape
·       Texture
·       Form
·       Value
·      Space

I love the golden color from the sunset contrasted with the shadows cast from the sun. The line from the sun leads the eye to the crest of the wave. The gap between the wave and the sand leads the eye deeper into the image and adds space.

The movement of the wave was frozen with a faster shutter speed, but you can still see the movement of the water with the ripples. The side lighting adds texture my highlighting the ripples and casting shadows.

·       Proportion
·       Variety
·       Balance
·       Contrast
·       Pattern/Repetition
·       Rhythm/Movement
·       Unity/Harmony
·      Emphasis
Conceptual Skill
I think the photographer wanted to show what it’s like to be in a wave as it’s crashing down.

I like this picture because of the space between the sand and the crest of the wave. It almost pauses time in between a hectic moment in the water.

Favorite Photo Critique 4

Photo By: Jack and Finn Harries

Art Vocabulary and Craftsmanship
I like the shallow depth of field and the framing of the child’s face with the bars.
·       Color
·       Line
·       Shape
·       Texture
·       Form
·       Value
·      Space

The brightness of the yellow catches the viewer’s eye and the little bit of red you can see from his shirt brings the eye to the boy’s face. I like the texture of the bars with the chipping paint. The space between his left ear and the bar adds space as does his hand in between the camera and the wall.

This image has really nice balance with the framing of the boy’s face and the other boys next to him. The repeating shapes of the bars also add harmony. I wish that his hand wasn’t right in front of the bar.

·       Proportion
·       Variety
·       Balance
·       Contrast
·       Pattern/Repetition
·       Rhythm/Movement
·       Unity/Harmony
·      Emphasis
Conceptual Skill
I think they wanted to capture the joy this boy feels in school and the opportunity that he has to get an education. Jack and Finn were able to visit the Rainbow Centre in Sri Lanka, were this photo was taken. I think he wanted to show the contrast between these happy children and the sad children they had seen the day before who didn't have the opportunity to get and education.

I love this picture because of the emotions that are expressed on the boy’s face. I also love the short depth of field.

Favorite Photo Critique 3

                                                         Photo By: Tim Tadder

Art Vocabulary and Craftsmanship
The points of interest (the swimmers) are in the top half of the image. The lights are exposed so that they don’t take away from the swimmers.
·       Color
·       Line
·       Shape
·       Texture
·       Form
·       Value
·      Space

The red/orange color of the sunset draws the eye to the swimmers. I like how the water looks, clear in the front of the image, then progressively getting darker. The swimmers get smaller as they go back in line, creating a line to lead the eye through the image. I like how they all have their own space. I wish the last swimmer wasn’t intersecting with the fence behind him.

The picture is nicely contrasted. The different swim suits add variety as well as having the setting of the pool. The repeating pattern of the plus sign on the side of the pool adds harmony.

·       Proportion
·       Variety
·       Balance
·       Contrast
·       Pattern/Repetition
·       Rhythm/Movement
·       Unity/Harmony
·      Emphasis
Conceptual Skill
I like how the photographer was able to capture the different techniques of the swimmers entering the water and how he was able to get the water droplets coming off their bodies.

I really like the contrast in this image  and the micro composition  between the swimmers.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Favorite Photo Critique 2

Photo By: Hendrik Kaprillyon 
Art Vocabulary and Craftsmanship
I like the dramatic lighting on the girl’s face coming from the side. It gives the shawl more texture. The rule of thirds in her position leads to the bird cage.

·       Color
·       Line
·       Shape
·       Texture
·       Form
·       Value
·      Space

. The red in her shawl draws the eye to her first, then the lines in her arms lead to the bird cage. I like the texture of the shawl and the bird cage. She gives a good sense of how big the cage is. Having the cage on the left and the girl on the right balances the image.

·       Proportion
·       Variety
·       Balance
·       Contrast
·       Pattern/Repetition
·       Rhythm/Movement
·       Unity/Harmony
·      Emphasis
Conceptual Skill
I think the empty bird cage signifies freedom and the longing look on the girl’s face gives the sense that she wants to be free too.


I really like this image. It almost reminds me of the Afghan Girl by Steve McCurry.

Favorite Photo Critique 1

Hengki-Lee-Photography -1
Photo By: Hengki Lee
Art Vocabulary and Craftsmanship
The silhouettes are crisp. The dog is about a third of the way up as is the horizon line.

·       Color
·       Line
·       Shape
·       Texture
·       Form
·       Value
·      Space

I like the space between the boy’s foot and the ground and the dog’s paw and the ground. The smoke adds texture and the light coming from the moon gives dramatic lighting. The circular shape of the moon makes the boy’s head seem more round. I don’t like where the boy’s head intersects with the moon. I would like it more if his shoulders were just a little higher.

The size of the boy and the dog gives the viewer a better sense of the size of the moon. I like the asymmetrical balance, where the picture is weighted more towards the bottom. The contrast is really nice.

·       Proportion
·       Variety
·       Balance
·       Contrast
·       Pattern/Repetition
·       Rhythm/Movement
·       Unity/Harmony
·      Emphasis
Conceptual Skill

The photographer wanted to show ‘the beauty of being different.’

I really like this picture because of the contrast between the silhouettes and the moon.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Principles Critique

Critique of:

Art Vocabulary and Craftsmanship
I used a short depth of field for this shot and I cropped it to use rule of thirds. The flower had just been in the center, so I cropped it to make it more interesting
·       Color
·       Line
·       Shape
·       Texture
·       Form
·       Value
·      Space
The purple pops against the monotone of the bench and contrasts well with the green of the bushes behind it. The line from the bench helps lead the eye to the flower. I really like the texture of the flower and the bench together.

The flower against the bench and bushes adds variety as well as the different pebbles in the bench. The short depth of field adds emphasis to the flower.

·       Proportion
·       Variety
·       Balance
·       Contrast
·       Pattern/Repetition
·       Rhythm/Movement
·       Unity/Harmony
·      Emphasis
Conceptual Skill
I really wanted to show the simplicity of the color contrast with this image. Grey and purple are two of my favorite colors to put together and this was a nice way to show them off.

I love this picture. I was just walking around when I saw that someone had left the flower on the bench. I added a vignette in Photoshop to help draw the eye in to the flower and add a pop of light to the center.