Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Film 8 Critique

Art Vocabulary and Craftsmanship
I used a short depth of field and rule of thirds. My kitten’s face is about a third of the way down and my hand takes up the bottom third.

·       Color
·       Line
·       Shape
·       Texture
·       Form
·       Value
·      Space
My fingers lead the eye in to the kitten’s face. The short depth of field adds form to my hand and the kitten’s body. I like the texture of his fur against the smoothness of my hand and the leaves under him. I wish I had left a little bit of space between my fingers and his mouth.

This image is fairly well balanced with the kitten taking up the top half of the image and my hand in the bottom half. My hand gives a better sense of how small he is. The image has a lot of contrast between my hand and the darkness of his fur.

·       Proportion
·       Variety
·       Balance
·       Contrast
·       Pattern/Repetition
·       Rhythm/Movement
·       Unity/Harmony
·      Emphasis
Conceptual Skill
I wanted to show his innocence and how new everything is to him. Whenever I am around him and his siblings, he always comes over and smells everything I have whether it be my phone, my camera, or me.

I love how sharp this picture is and how much contrast it has.

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