Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Photography Bucket List

  1. waterfall at Crab Tree Falls: I would have to use a tripod and a slow shutter speed to get a flowing feeling to the water and keep the rocks and trees around it still. Personally, I would want to have my light meter slightly under the middle, about 2 stops under, to keep it from being too bright. I light shooting at the early morning or late afternoon to play around with the effects of the sun shining through the trees.
  2. moments at a wedding: I was able to take some pictures at a wedding I went to in November, but just from the main events, just after the wedding, the lunch, and the reception. I really want to be able to capture the craziness in between and some of the moments between the bride and groom. I love outdoors shots of couples on their wedding day, so I would use a faster shutter speed and a slightly smaller aperture. For shorter depth of fields, I would use a larger aperture for pictures of the rings of a close up of their faces. I really like the idea of using motion blur to capture moments at a wedding
  3. silhouettes at a beach: I would open my aperture to enable more light to come in since it would work best at sunrise or sunset. By using a faster shutter speed, I could get someone in focus while they jump of a cliff or rock.
  4. an up close picture of a snowflake: I want to be able to capture the details of the snowflake so I would have to use a longer lens and a short depth of field with a larger aperture. I'd let it fall onto a black piece of paper so that it was perfectly clear
  5. Star trails: Using the bulb setting on the camera and a large aperture, I would be able to get the movement of the stars through the sky against the stillness of the city or the trees.
  6. Natural light portraits: I really enjoy using natural light to create different effects in my pictures. A friend of my mom's is a natural light photographer and I love how her pictures look. I would use a variety of apertures to get different depths of field, but short shutter speeds to compensate for the sunlight outside
  7. paint splashing a rose: I saw a commercial where different colored paint was thrown on a rose. Using a fast shutter speed and a large aperture for a short depth of field, I would catch the paint drops frozen as they hit the rose
  8. light painting: I did this last year in Digital Imaging 2, but wasn't completely satisfied with them. I used a long shutter speed to get the motion of the light source and a wide aperture to allow more of the light in.
  9. Hands: I want to take a picture of a grandmother's hand, a mother's hand, and a child's hand together to get the different textures. I would probably use a large aperture to get a short depth of field and a faster shutter speed to get them in focus.
  10. eyes: I think it would be really cool to get a macro picture of an eye so that you could see all of the lines and details. I would use a large aperture and a fast shutter speed so that I could get the stillness of the eye before it moved.

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